Join us for worship, Sundays at 10:30am
19414 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana CA 91356
St. James Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) is a welcoming and inviting, multi-generational and multi-ethnic Christian congregation in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Tarzana, in the San Fernando Valley. All are welcome to join us for worship and special events. We’d love to meet you!
Season of Lent 2025
March 5- April 19, 2025
Drive-Through Ash Wednesday, Mar 5, 9:30-10:30AM
Begin the season of Lent with the traditional imposition of ashes—in a not-so-traditional way! All members and friends are invited to our 3rd annual Drive-Through Ash Wednesday observance. Pastor Erik will be on the curb in the driveway from 9:30-10:30AM on Wednesday, March 5th to receive prayers and give ashes. Just drive up, and begin Lent with a moment of reflection.
Stations of the Cross Art Exhibit
Each Sunday during Lent, we’ll reveal a new piece of artwork, made by one of St. James’ own artists, that depicts a Station of the Cross—Jesus’ journey to the crucifixion. Check them out in the Narthex, and walk with Jesus on his journey with the cross.
Church History 101 with Darren Pollock, Sundays at 11:45AM
Our resident historian, Darren Pollock, will be teaching a class on Christian Church history from 11:45AM-12:45PM during the Sundays of Lent. This will be an overview and introduction to the story of our family of faith. No prior knowledge is necessary. Everyone is welcome! Darren is a celebrated and skilled teacher, who will show how the struggles and triumphs of Christians of the past inform our faith today.
Holy Thursday Communion and Potluck , Apr 17, 6PM
All members and friends are invited to a special potluck dinner, where we will remember the last days of Jesus, and walk through the complete Stations of the Cross art exhibit. We’ll also celebrate communion and share a meal together. Bring a dish if you are able. All are welcome.
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The email list is our primary way of keeping in touch. You’ll only receive one email a week.
Weekly Worship Video
At St. James, we believe that worship is at its fullest when we are together, in person, standing with one another in God’s presence. However, we also know that getting to church is not a practical reality for all people. We therefore offer recordings of our weekly service (with the Children’s Sermon and the Prayers of the People edited out, for privacy reasons). Videos will be here, through YouTube, each Sunday by around 3PM.